The United States, a machine, run by the representatives we put in power to rule our lands. We are fortunate to have, in this great country, the right to vote; which is perhaps the most crucial right for a US citizen. The vote expresses the voice of the people; yet voter turnout was at an all-time low in the twenty-first century. So what should representatives base their actions on? Now the question is: who is really represented: the masses or a few assembled? Who are we to blame the people we put in power if we are not doing our jobs, but there is a solution to this serious problem. With compulsory voting, the United States can progress through this country's difficulties. How can we have a democracy if the majority of people refuse to fulfill their civic duties? A perfect example is the ancient Greek city-state of Athens. In Athens, participation in government was not only a privilege but an obligation for all its citizens. Just because males were allowed in government doesn't mean the idea shouldn't be credited. As a result, the majority of its citizens have understood and follow politics. It is sad to think that people of the times before Christ were more educated in politics than us coming from a modern society with endless technological advancements. If someone asked someone else on the street what issues are being discussed at town hall or who your state senators are; they will be clueless but will relate to celebrity gossip and you just asked a profound expert. Compulsory voting will force people to vote on things they have no idea about, so they will research and find out what is going on around them. People argue about whether we force uneducated people to vote on issues they have no clue about, t... middle of paper... complain about our government but don't go out and do something about it, and it's come time to finally change the situation. Our country is supposed to have vertical accountability (meaning citizens hold the government accountable and vice versa), but that doesn't happen. I personally don't like hearing people complain about the government and then finding out they didn't even take five minutes to go and vote to do anything about it. I believe that if we forced voting, people would start to pay attention to the government and the candidates. Maybe the system will be flawed at first, but nothing is perfect. For every problem, there must be a plan for change. Those who sit idle need a leader to force them to do something, and with compulsory voting, the citizens of our great country will finally make this country a better place..