Topic > Persuasive Essay on Homeless Children - 1661

Many of the homeless are children and this is an extreme problem because they are our future. There are approximately 13,000 homeless children in New York. One in 30 children is homeless. This is due to the nation's high poverty rate, insufficient affordable housing, and domestic violence (Cry, David, & Lisa Leff, np). The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act education program for homeless children and youth is a great example of a successful program and action that has truly helped homeless children. The program targets homeless children who attend school. The law states that homeless children cannot be separated from other children, that they must be provided transportation, and that local educational agencies must put the child's best interests first before determining whether they should be enrolled in their school ( Doak J. Melissa). . We should fund more homeless programs so that children have the same education as other children and learn not to be as homeless as