Paraplegics will remain immobile or make do with a wheelchair that has remained the same for decades. Disabled people will not be able to work in the comfort of their own homes and computers will be worthless because they would become unusable. Since normal people appreciate technology to make their lives more convenient, why shouldn't disabled people have the opportunity to do the same? Disabled people are people but with limitations, most of whom were born with limitations and others who had the misfortune of getting them. No one asked to become disabled. While fully functional people want better technology for entertainment purposes, disabled people want technology to help them be more human without limitations. People are people despite their limitations, so they deserve the help they need. As human beings we should help each other in times of need. If we don't help those who need it most, how can we expect people to be more thoughtful and/or considerate? All in all, technology has a positive influence on people's daily lives