Topic > The Quran is the message revealed by God to the Prophet Muhammad

The Quran is a scripture “God's message and revelation to the human race which in time became a written book” which was sent not only to a certain place or certain time, but in every place and at every moment. The closest meaning to the word Quran is to recite, yet it does not yet have the same meaning in Arabic. The Quran was revealed in the Hijaz. Hijaz is the ancient name of Arabia covering Mecca and Medina. The Quran is the words of God revealed to the prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. This topic piqued my attraction for many reasons, but mostly because the Quran itself is considered a miracle to this day. The Quran is considered a miracle from the day it was revealed because it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad who is considered illiterate. The Quran was revealed in Arabic to people who excelled in the language, yet they were shocked. At that time, people knew that this is a miracle and God's message, but to protect their gods, power and business they claimed that Prophet Muhammad is a magician and a madman. The Quran is not only miraculous by its language, but also by its stories. The Quran has mentioned the best stories. The Quran has two types of stories. The first type concerns the prophets and messengers and what happened to their people. For example, the story of Moses and Pharaoh, the story of Jesus, the story of Yousef, the story of Noah, the story of Prophet Muhammad and many others. The second type concerns individuals and groups. For example, the story of Mosse with the good man, the story of the group of elephants and many others. The Quran has two ways of telling a story. Either through the narration of events or through the telling of dialogues. For example, the story of Yousef is considered a narrative of events, while the story of the mosses and the good man is considered a story of dialogue. These stories were mentioned in the Quran for the reason of learning morals and not making the same mistakes. For many Muslim societies, the Quran is considered a book of guidance or a way of life. The Quran teaches us many moral principles and good manners that we should follow. For example, don't cheat anything, help people, be good to our neighbors and many more.