They looked scared too, I asked them what was happening and they exclaimed "I was taken away from my house by a big beast and they took my parents!" This is the same thing that happened to me, I thought. Moments passed and the alien approached with something in its claw-like hands. "Ouch!" I thought as the alien pressed something against me; “What did he do? Is he trying to hurt me?" I look down and now there is a blue name tag attached. Above it was, in big bold numbers, the number 4958. Before I could wonder what it meant, I was thrown into a room full of hundreds of children. When they saw me they greeted me. They gave me a high five, shook my hand and even hit me with their knuckles. One approached me, but this one seemed different from the others orange tag instead of blue and said #0012. “Welcome to our new brother, to the place of the stranger, welcome to Oxnard!” It was a pretty big place: it consisted of moving walkways, big rooms with numbers on them, and a couple of aliens. It said "Oxnard packaging" on the wall. At the time I didn't know what oxnard was but, let me tell you, it's not a pleasant place. All the children told me in depth what happened to them and I am I was scared by what they said. All the beast's talk sent shivers down my heart. They told me that the beast comes every Sunday and takes away dozens of children at a time.