The standards set by the King's Point rules emphasize self-improvement and responsibility for one's behavior and behavior. Principles such as “Plebe candidates will at all times demonstrate proper military behavior” (Standard) and “Plebe candidates will NOT consume alcohol at any time, regardless of whether they are over the legal age (21 years)” (Standard; bold in original ) help establish moderation. This standard of morality and discipline prepares midshipmen for their future obligation in military or maritime service. The training midshipmen undergo at Kings Point makes them disciplined enough to focus on productive actions, such as spending time studying, which will enhance their education and qualifications for graduation. Plato notes that “'unnecessary' would be the right name for all the appetites which can be liberated by early training and which do us immediate good and in some cases harm” and “turns again to those lotus eaters [without ambition] and openly sides with them” (Jacobus 60-61). This vision of Plato is reflected in the regulations' focus on eliminating distractions and training self-control to prevent distractions and the onset of moral attitudes.